
Posted on under Prose Short Story Autobiographical

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Collected under Writings

I don’t have a lot of memories of the time before I was five. I remember lying on the floor in, I think, the living room, having just found what appeared to be some sort of gelatinous excreta, presumably from the cat. This was the first time I had ever encountered such a thing, and I found it to be bewildering, like finding a jellyfish on the beach. I remember falling down the stairs to the basement once.

under Autobiographical

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Collected under C M Rasys

I’ve always had a strong interest in both creative writing and computer programming. I’m sure most people might consider this an odd combination but it’s never felt like that to me. They’re both a way to express yourself using language. They both have grammar and syntax; a large hierarchy of complex rules; and a near-infinite number of possible permutations. You know, monkeys and typewriters and all that. This is me. Final results may vary.

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Posted on under Autobiographical Humor Short Story Prose

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Collected under Writings

I had a pretty average childhood for the most part. Went to public schools, didn’t move around too much. Had a decent number of friends, but wasn’t super popular. It was all just pretty average.

However, there were some things that occurred that were not average at all. In fact, they were pretty fucked up. Now, everybody’s got their crazy stories about weird shit that happened once upon a time, but most of them don’t have anything to do with something so quaint as a spiral notebook.

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Posted on under Autobiographical Prose Short Story Humor

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Collected under Writings

I often tell people that I don’t eat raisins because I had a bad experience, but I don’t always tell them what that experience was. In fact, sometimes merely telling people of my experience makes them not eat raisins as well. But what horrible thing happened to make me stop eating such a seemingly harmless food?

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