Posted on under Freeform Poetry Romantic

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Collected under Writings

Did you know? All the world’s a river, I and others, the rocks and refuse, The masses the flow and ebb, and you? You’re the glisten, the shine, the glow, the glinting refraction, the bouncing reflection, the whole world turned upside-down in an endless azure splotched with wisps of vapor and verisimilitude.

Did you hear? All my mind’s a fire, Distaste and derision the cracks and pops, Discord and doubt the hiss and the flare, and you? You’re the comfort, the warmth, the calm, the curious distraction, the soothing reception, the dark candor of the woods split like vines in a sprawling stretch of orange hue and sanguine familiarity.

Did you see? All my life’s a fair, My confusion the crowd’s bustle, My anxiety the blinking lights, and you? You’re the candy, the music, the thrills, the playful laughter, the song and dance, the view on high a stopped Ferris Wheel like time frozen in a bead of amber and adulation.

And you, if I only knew, it would all be true.

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