Posted on under Freeform Poetry Romantic

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Collected under Writings

Sometimes it’s her hair, or her eyes, or lips.

Sometimes it’s the way she tilts her head when she talks.

Sometimes it’s her breasts, or her ass.

Sometimes it’s the way she walks when she knows you’re watching.

Sometimes it’s hearing her speak your name.

Sometimes it’s her long legs, or her creamy skin.

Sometimes it’s the words she uses when she talks, or those ideas that nobody else ever has.

Sometimes it’s the way she holds her hands, or when she smiles so sincerely.

Sometimes it’s simple, and sometimes it’s complicated.

Sometimes it’s a faint aroma that takes you to a place you’ve never been to before.

Sometimes it’s just a single moment, and sometimes it’s an entire lifetime.

Sometimes it’s because you want to, and sometimes it’s because you have to.

Sometimes you always want to remember, and sometimes you can’t help but forget.

Sometimes you know better, but you just don’t care.

Sometimes it’s the entire world shrinking around you, and all you can do is try to hold on to what you’ve finally found.

And sometimes, if you’re lucky, it’s love. But usually… usually it’s just a dream.

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